The Complete Marvel Ultimate Universe Reading Order Guide

The Complete Marvel Ultimate Universe Reading Order Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Marvel Ultimate Universe

Welcome, middle-aged geeks, to the marvelous world of the Marvel Ultimate Universe! If you’re a fan of comic books, chances are you’ve heard about this alternate reality within the vast Marvel multiverse. Created in 2000, the Ultimate Universe was designed to provide a fresh and modern take on classic Marvel characters. With more than +700 issues we’ll guide you through the Complete Marvel Ultimate Universe Reading Order!

It’s like a parallel dimension where familiar heroes and villains exist but with new twists and turns. The concept behind the Ultimate Universe was to reimagine iconic characters in contemporary settings, offering readers a chance to experience their favorite superheroes from scratch.

It was an opportunity for writers and artists to reinvent long-established narratives while preserving the core essence that made these characters so beloved. From Spider-Man swinging through New York City to Captain America fighting for justice, every story in this universe had a touch of familiarity mixed with exciting new possibilities.

Brief Overview of the Concept and Purpose of the Ultimate Universe

In essence, the Ultimate Universe served as a rebooted playground for Marvel creators to experiment with character arcs and storylines without being constrained by decades of continuity. The goal was to make these legendary figures more accessible and relatable for new readers while keeping long-time fans engaged with fresh narratives.

This initiative allowed for drastic changes and provided an opportunity for writers to explore uncharted territory. Characters’ origins were tweaked, relationships altered, and even power sets reimagined—all to bring these superheroes closer to our world while maintaining their essential characteristics.

What are some key differences between the Marvel Ultimate Universe and the main Marvel Universe?

The Marvel Ultimate Universe (also known as Earth-1610) and the main Marvel Universe (also known as Earth-616) are two distinct comic book universes created by Marvel Comics. Here are some key differences between them:

  1. Origin: The Marvel Ultimate Universe was created in 2000 as a modern reimagining of the Marvel characters, providing a fresh starting point for new readers. On the other hand, the main Marvel Universe has been around since the inception of Marvel Comics in the 1960s.
  2. Continuity: The Marvel Ultimate Universe has a separate continuity from the main Marvel Universe. This means that the events and character histories in one universe do not directly affect the other. This allowed writers to take different creative approaches and make bold changes without disrupting the established canon of the main universe.
  3. Character Designs: The character designs in the Marvel Ultimate Universe often differ from their main universe counterparts. They are often more modern and influenced by contemporary trends. For example, characters like Spider-Man and the X-Men have different costumes and appearances in the Ultimate Universe.
  4. Storylines: The storylines in the Marvel Ultimate Universe tend to be more self-contained and focused on a smaller group of characters. This allowed for more streamlined storytelling and easier accessibility for new readers. In contrast, the main Marvel Universe has a vast interconnected web of storylines involving numerous characters and teams.
  5. Character Deaths: The Marvel Ultimate Universe is known for its willingness to kill off major characters, sometimes permanently. This added a sense of realism and unpredictability to the storytelling. In the main Marvel Universe, character deaths are often temporary or reversed through various means.
  6. Ultimate Spider-Man: One of the most notable differences is the portrayal of Spider-Man. In the Marvel Ultimate Universe, Peter Parker dies, and the mantle of Spider-Man is taken up by Miles Morales, a new character who becomes the Ultimate Spider-Man. This storyline had a significant impact on both universes.

Who are some of the main characters in the Marvel Ultimate Universe?

In the Marvel Ultimate Universe, there are several main characters who play significant roles in the storyline. Here are some of them:

  • Spider-Man (Peter Parker): The Ultimate version of Spider-Man is a young teenager who gains his powers after being bitten by a genetically enhanced spider.
  • Wolverine (Logan): Wolverine is a mutant with an accelerated healing factor and retractable claws. He is a member of the X-Men and often takes on a mentor role to younger heroes.
  • Captain America (Steve Rogers): Captain America is a super-soldier from World War II who is thawed out in the present day. He becomes a symbol of hope and leads the Avengers.
  • Iron Man (Tony Stark): Tony Stark is a billionaire genius who creates a high-tech suit of armor to fight crime and protect the world. He is a founding member of the Avengers.
  • Thor: Thor is the Asgardian god of thunder who wields a mystical hammer called Mjolnir. He is one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Ultimate Universe.
  • Hulk (Bruce Banner): Bruce Banner is a scientist who transforms into a giant, green-skinned creature known as the Hulk when he gets angry. He possesses immense strength and durability.
  • X-Men: The X-Men are a team of mutants who fight for equality and protect humanity from mutant threats. Some notable members include Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, and Beast.

Importance and Impact of the Ultimate Universe on Comic Book Storytelling

The creation of the Ultimate Universe marked a significant milestone in comic book history. It breathed new life into iconic characters, making them relevant for a new generation, while attracting readers who may have found the intricacies of long-running series daunting. Moreover, many elements introduced in the Ultimate Universe eventually influenced various adaptations outside of comics.

Characters like Nick Fury, with his portrayal modeled after Samuel L. Jackson’s likeness, made their way into Marvel’s blockbuster movies. The success of these films then inspired further adjustments to mainstream continuity in an effort to align with their silver-screen counterparts.

Overall, whether you’re an avid comic reader or just dipping your toes into this vibrant medium for the first time, exploring the Marvel Ultimate Universe is a thrilling adventure that offers a fresh perspective on beloved heroes and villains. So buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating journey through a universe where anything is possible!

The Birth of the Ultimate Universe

Origins and creation of the Ultimate line in 2000

Back in the year 2000, Marvel Comics decided to take a bold step and reimagine their beloved superhero universe. They wanted to create a fresh, modern take on their iconic characters, catering to both die-hard fans and new readers alike.

This led to the birth of the Ultimate linean alternate universe that would serve as a blank canvas for writers and artists to tell new stories without being constrained by decades of continuity. Marvel’s intention was clear: they wanted to introduce their characters to a new generation by giving them updated backstories and contemporary adventures.

The idea was not simply to retell classic tales, but rather craft compelling narratives that resonated with readers in the present day. By starting from scratch, Marvel could explore different directions for their characters while still paying homage to their rich history.

Key creators involved in shaping this new universe

A project as ambitious as the creation of an entire alternate Marvel Universe required top-tier talent. Marvel handpicked some of the industry’s finest writers and artists, who were given creative freedom within this new playground. Among these key creators were Brian Michael BendisMark MillarWarren EllisJonathan HickmanGreg Rucka, and Bryan Hitch.

Brian Michael Bendis played a crucial role in shaping the Ultimate Universe narrative as one of its primary architects. His work on “Ultimate Spider-Man” gave readers an emotional journey through Peter Parker’s early years as Spider-Man like never before.

Mark Millar‘s acclaimed run on “Ultimates” reimagined classic Avengers members with gritty realism in a way that captivated audiences. The artistic talents involved were equally impressive.

Bryan Hitch‘s cinematic style brought grandeur to “The Ultimates,” making it feel like reading a summer blockbuster on paper.

These creators, along with many others, poured their hearts into crafting a universe that felt fresh and exciting while still honoring the essence of Marvel’s characters.

Initial titles launched under the Ultimate imprint

To kickstart this ambitious project, Marvel launched several initial titles under the Ultimate imprint. These books would serve as the foundation for building this new universe and enticing readers into exploring its vast possibilities.

“Ultimate Spider-Man” was at the forefront of this venture, written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Mark Bagley.

This series followed Peter Parker’s journey from a high school student to becoming everyone’s favorite-friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. It beautifully captured Peter’s struggles and triumphs in a contemporary setting that resonated with fans old and new.

Another cornerstone title was “Ultimates,” written by Mark Millar and illustrated by Bryan Hitch.

This series introduced a more realistic and militaristic approach to Earth’s mightiest heroes, akin to a modern-day Avengers team operating in a post-9/11 world. The book became an instant hit due to its compelling storytelling and breathtaking artwork.

Additionally, “Ultimate X-Men,” written initially by Mark Millar before transitioning to Brian Michael Bendis, offered readers fresh takes on beloved mutants like Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and more.

The series explored darker themes while maintaining the core essence of these iconic characters.

These initial titles paved the way for what would become an expansive Ultimate Universe brimming with unique stories that challenged readers’ expectations while honoring Marvel’s rich legacy.

How long did the Marvel Ultimate Universe run for?

The Marvel Ultimate Universe, also known as the Ultimate Marvel or Ultimate Comics, ran for approximately 14 years. It was launched in 2000 and concluded in 2015. During its run, the Ultimate Universe introduced reimagined versions of classic Marvel characters, providing a fresh and modern take on their stories and origins.

Marvel Ultimate Universe Reading Order for Beginners: The essentials

Introduction to key series that serve as a foundation for understanding the Ultimate Marvel Universe

When diving into the vast world of the Marvel Ultimate Universe, it can be quite overwhelming to figure out where to begin. Fear not, Geeks!

We’re here to guide you through the essential reading order that will serve as your stepping stones into this alternate Marvel cosmos. These key series provide a solid foundation for understanding the unique dynamics and characters of this universe.

“Ultimate Spider-Man” by Brian Michael Bendis

Where better to start than with everyone’s favorite webslinger? “Ultimate Spider-Man” is an absolute must-read when it comes to exploring the Ultimate Universe. This long-running series, written primarily by Brian Michael Bendis, introduces us to a modern retelling of Peter Parker’s origin story and his adventures as Spider-Man.

Bendis brings a fresh perspective and youthful energy to the character, making it accessible and engaging for readers of all ages. The series beautifully balances high school drama, superhero action, and emotional depth, breathing new life into an iconic character.

“Ultimates” by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch

If you’re craving some epic superhero team action in a contemporary setting, then “Ultimates” is your go-to series. Written by Mark Millar with stunning artwork by Bryan Hitch, this title reimagines classic Avengers characters like Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Wasp, and Giant-Man in new and exciting ways.

With dynamic storytelling and breathtaking visuals, “Ultimates” delivers thrilling battles against formidable foes while exploring complex moral dilemmas faced by these flawed yet fascinating heroes. This gritty take on familiar faces sets the stage for some of the most memorable stories in the Ultimate Universe.

“Ultimate X-Men” by Mark Millar, Brian Michael Bendis, and others

For fans of mutant mayhem and X-Men goodness, “Ultimate X-Men” is a series that cannot be ignored. With contributions from talented writers like Mark Millar and Brian Michael Bendis, this title reimagines Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters and its iconic mutant students. Witness the birth of new interpretations of beloved characters such as Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, and many more as they navigate a world where mutants are feared and face unrelenting persecution.

“Ultimate X-Men” injects fresh twists into classic storylines while exploring the themes of identity, prejudice, and the struggle for survival. These three series— “Ultimate Spider-Man,” “Ultimates,” and “Ultimate X-Men”— form the core pillars on which the Marvel Ultimate Universe is built.

By delving into these titles’ pages filled with rich storytelling and dynamic artwork, you’ll gain a deep understanding of this alternate reality where familiar heroes embark on thrilling new journeys. So put on your reading glasses (or maybe even your superhero mask) as you prepare to immerse yourself in the boundless wonders of the Ultimate Universe!

Expanding Horizons: Exploring Different Corners of the Ultimate Universe

“Ultimate Fantastic Four” by Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Millar, Warren Ellis, and others

The “Ultimate Fantastic Four” series provides a fresh and contemporary take on Marvel’s first family of superheroes. With the talented team of writers such as Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Millar, and Warren Ellis at the helm, this spin-off dives into the origins and adventures of Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Sue Storm (Invisible Woman), Johnny Storm (Human Torch), and Ben Grimm (The Thing).

By reimagining these beloved characters in a modern setting, “Ultimate Fantastic Four” offers an accessible entry point for new readers while also offering intriguing twists for longtime fans. The series explores cosmic adventures, alternate dimensions, and the complex dynamics within the team.

“Ultimate Iron Man” by Orson Scott Card

In “Ultimate Iron Man,” acclaimed science fiction author Orson Scott Card takes readers on a thrilling journey to explore the origins of Tony Stark’s iconic alter ego. This standalone series delves deep into Tony’s upbringing and medical condition that leads to his transformation into Iron Man.

Card’s unique storytelling style injects a sense of realism into Tony Stark’s character development, adding layers of complexity to his motivations and conflicts. Through intense action sequences and thought-provoking ethical dilemmas, “Ultimate Iron Man” presents an intriguing exploration of what it means to be a hero.

“Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra” by Greg Rucka

For fans craving gritty street-level action with a touch of romance, “Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra” delivers in spades. Under the penmanship of Greg Rucka, this series brings Matt Murdock (Daredevil) and Elektra Natchios to life in the Ultimate Universe.

Rucka dives deep into their complex relationship, exploring their shared past and the moral struggles that define their vigilantism. With intense fight scenes, noir-inspired visuals, and a gripping narrative, “Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra” captures the essence of these iconic characters while adding fresh twists to keep readers on the edge of their seats.

“Ultimate Avengers” by Mark Millar, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman, and others

“Ultimate Avengers” assembles Earth’s mightiest heroes in a bold reimagining of Marvel’s flagship team. Led by Captain America, this action-packed series features a diverse roster of iconic characters like Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and more. Writers such as Mark Millar, Jason Aaron, and Jonathan Hickman craft epic storylines filled with high stakes battles against formidable foes that pose threats unlike any seen before.

“Ultimate Avengers” explores themes of heroism versus vigilantism and challenges traditional notions of what it means to be an Avenger. With stunning artwork and hard-hitting dialogue, this series is a must-read for fans seeking thrilling superhero team-ups.

,”Ultimate Fantastic Four,” “Ultimate Iron Man,” “Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra,” and “Ultimate Avengers” are just a few examples of the diverse spin-off series that expand upon different corners of the Marvel Ultimate Universe. Each title offers unique perspectives on familiar characters while introducing new storylines filled with excitement and surprises.

Whether you’re delving into cosmic adventures with the Fantastic Four or exploring gritty street-level crime fighting with Daredevil and Elektra – there’s something for everyone in this rich tapestry known as the Ultimate Universe. So grab your favorite issues or trade paperbacks and embark on an unforgettable journey through these captivating stories.

Event Crossovers in the Ultimate Universe: Epic Storylines Uniting Multiple Titles

The Marvel Ultimate Universe is no stranger to thrilling event crossovers that have left fans on the edge of their seats. These epic storylines bring together multiple titles, creating a tapestry of interconnected narratives that have forever altered the course of this alternate Marvel reality. Let’s delve into some of the most significant events that have shaped and redefined the Ultimate Universe.

“Ultimatum”: The Shattering of Worlds

One of the most impactful events in the Ultimate Universe came in the form of “Ultimatum.” This catastrophic tale, written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by David Finch, brought devastation on an unprecedented scale. The dynamic duo unleashed unimaginable destruction as major characters met their demise and iconic landmarks were reduced to rubble. “Ultimatum” left readers shocked and changed the landscape of this universe forever.

“Death of Spider-Man”: A Hero Falls

The death of a beloved hero is always a momentous event, and in the Ultimate Universe, nothing was more heart-wrenching than “Death of Spider-Man.” Written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Mark Bagley, this storyline saw Peter Parker face his ultimate sacrifice while protecting innocent lives from a formidable threat. The repercussions were felt deeply throughout this universe as we witnessed not only Spider-Man’s demise but also the legacy he left behind.

“Divided We Fall” & “United We Stand”: Heroes at Odds

In a world where even heroes can be divided, “Divided We Fall” and “United We Stand” stand as prime examples. These crossover events explored societal divisions in response to escalating tensions between super-powered individuals and ordinary citizens.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by artists such as David Marquez and Steve McNiven, these storylines showcased the struggles that arise when trust erodes and allegiances shift. Through turmoil and conflict, the Ultimate Universe heroes ultimately found a way to unite and overcome adversity.

In the ever-evolving Marvel Ultimate Universe, event crossovers have proven pivotal in shaping its DNA. From the cataclysmic destruction of “Ultimatum” to the emotional impact of “Death of Spider-Man” and the exploration of societal divisions in “Divided We Fall” & “United We Stand,” these stories have left an indelible mark on this alternate reality.

While some events brought tragedy, they also paved the way for new beginnings and growth. The Ultimate Universe is a testament to resilience, as characters persevere through adversity, reminding us that even in the face of darkness, hope can emerge victorious.

Complete Marvel Ultimate Universe Reading Order Detailed By Issues

Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2000)
Ultimate Spider-Man #2
Ultimate Spider-Man #3
Ultimate Spider-Man #4
Ultimate Spider-Man #5
Ultimate Spider-Man #6
Ultimate Spider-Man #7
Ultimate Spider-Man #8
Ultimate Spider-Man #9
Ultimate Spider-Man #10
Ultimate Spider-Man #11
Ultimate Spider-Man #12
Ultimate Spider-Man #13

Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #1 (2002)
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #2
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #3
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #4

Ultimate Elektra #1 (2004)
Ultimate Elektra #2
Ultimate Elektra #3
Ultimate Elektra #4
Ultimate Elektra #5

Ultimate Iron Man #1 (2005) – Non-canon.
Ultimate Iron Man #2
Ultimate Iron Man #3
Ultimate Iron Man #4
Ultimate Iron Man #5

Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 2 #1 (2007) – Non-canon.
Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 2 #2
Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 2 #3
Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 2 #4
Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 2 #5

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #1 (2001)
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #2
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #3
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #4
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #5
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #6
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #7
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #8

Ultimate X-Men #1 (2001)
Ultimate X-Men #2
Ultimate X-Men #3
Ultimate X-Men #4
Ultimate X-Men #5
Ultimate X-Men #6

Ultimate X-Men #1/2

Ultimate Spider-Man #14
Ultimate Spider-Man #15
Ultimate Spider-Man #16
Ultimate Spider-Man #17
Ultimate Spider-Man #18
Ultimate Spider-Man #19
Ultimate Spider-Man #20
Ultimate Spider-Man #21

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #9
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #10
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #11
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #12
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #13
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #14
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #15
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #16

Ultimate X-Men #7
Ultimate X-Men #8
Ultimate X-Men #9
Ultimate X-Men #10
Ultimate X-Men #11
Ultimate X-Men #12
Ultimate X-Men #13
Ultimate X-Men #14

Ultimate Spider-Man #22
Ultimate Spider-Man #23
Ultimate Spider-Man #24
Ultimate Spider-Man #25
Ultimate Spider-Man #26
Ultimate Spider-Man #27

The Ultimates #1 (2002)
The Ultimates #2
The Ultimates #3

Ultimate X-Men #15
Ultimate X-Men #16
Ultimate X-Men #17
Ultimate X-Men #18
Ultimate X-Men #19
Ultimate X-Men #20

Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special #1 (2002)
Ultimate Spider-Man #28
Ultimate Spider-Man #29
Ultimate Spider-Man #30
Ultimate Spider-Man #31
Ultimate Spider-Man #32

The Ultimates #4
The Ultimates #5
The Ultimates #6
The Ultimates #7
The Ultimates #8
The Ultimates #9
The Ultimates #10
The Ultimates #11
The Ultimates #12
The Ultimates #13

Ultimate Fantastic Four #1 (2004)
Ultimate Fantastic Four #2
Ultimate Fantastic Four #3
Ultimate Fantastic Four #4
Ultimate Fantastic Four #5
Ultimate Fantastic Four #6

Ultimate Spider-Man #33
Ultimate Spider-Man #34
Ultimate Spider-Man #35
Ultimate Spider-Man #36
Ultimate Spider-Man #37
Ultimate Spider-Man #38
Ultimate Spider-Man #39

Ultimate X-Men #21
Ultimate X-Men #22
Ultimate X-Men #23
Ultimate X-Men #24
Ultimate X-Men #25

Ultimate Adventures #1 (2002)
Ultimate Adventures #2
Ultimate Adventures #3
Ultimate Adventures #4
Ultimate Adventures #5
Ultimate Adventures #6

Ultimate War #1 (2002)
Ultimate War #2
Ultimate War #3
Ultimate War #4

Ultimate X-Men #26
Ultimate X-Men #27
Ultimate X-Men #28
Ultimate X-Men #29
Ultimate X-Men #30
Ultimate X-Men #31
Ultimate X-Men #32
Ultimate X-Men #33

Ultimate Spider-Man #40
Ultimate Spider-Man #41
Ultimate Spider-Man #42
Ultimate Spider-Man #43
Ultimate Spider-Man #44
Ultimate Spider-Man #45 
Ultimate Spider-Man #1/2 (bonus)

Ultimate X-Men #34
Ultimate X-Men #35
Ultimate X-Men #36
Ultimate X-Men #37
Ultimate X-Men #38
Ultimate X-Men #39

Ultimate Spider-Man #46

Ultimate Six #1 (2003)
Ultimate Six #2
Ultimate Six #3
Ultimate Six #4
Ultimate Six #5
Ultimate Six #6
Ultimate Six #7

Ultimate Spider-Man #47
Ultimate Spider-Man #48
Ultimate Spider-Man #49

Ultimate X-Men #40
Ultimate X-Men #41
Ultimate X-Men #42
Ultimate X-Men #43
Ultimate X-Men #44
Ultimate X-Men #45
Ultimate X-Men #46
Ultimate X-Men #47
Ultimate X-Men #48
Ultimate X-Men #49

Ultimate X-Men #50
Ultimate X-Men #51
Ultimate X-Men #52
Ultimate X-Men #53

Ultimate Spider-Man #50
Ultimate Spider-Man #51
Ultimate Spider-Man #52
Ultimate Spider-Man #53
Ultimate Spider-Man #54
Ultimate Spider-Man #55
Ultimate Spider-Man #56
Ultimate Spider-Man #57
Ultimate Spider-Man #58
Ultimate Spider-Man #59

Ultimate Fantastic Four #7
Ultimate Fantastic Four #8
Ultimate Fantastic Four #9
Ultimate Fantastic Four #10
Ultimate Fantastic Four #11
Ultimate Fantastic Four #12
Ultimate Fantastic Four #13
Ultimate Fantastic Four #14
Ultimate Fantastic Four #15
Ultimate Fantastic Four #16
Ultimate Fantastic Four #17
Ultimate Fantastic Four #18

Ultimate Spider-Man #60
Ultimate Spider-Man #61
Ultimate Spider-Man #62
Ultimate Spider-Man #63
Ultimate Spider-Man #64
Ultimate Spider-Man #65
Ultimate Spider-Man #66
Ultimate Spider-Man #67
Ultimate Spider-Man #68
Ultimate Spider-Man #69

Ultimate Nightmare #1 (2004)
Ultimate Nightmare #2
Ultimate Nightmare #3
Ultimate Nightmare #4
Ultimate Nightmare #5

Ultimate X-Men #54
Ultimate X-Men #55
Ultimate X-Men #56
Ultimate X-Men #57
Ultimate X-Men #58
Ultimate X-Men #59
Ultimate X-Men #60

Ultimate X-Men Annual #1 (2005)

Ultimate Spider-Man #70
Ultimate Spider-Man #71
Ultimate Spider-Man #72
Ultimate Spider-Man #73
Ultimate Spider-Man #74
Ultimate Spider-Man #75
Ultimate Spider-Man #76
Ultimate Spider-Man #77

The Ultimates Annual #1 (2005)

Ultimate Secret #1 (2005)
Ultimate Secret #2
Ultimate Secret #3
Ultimate Secret #4

Ultimate Vision #0 (2006)

The Ultimates 2 #1 (2005)
The Ultimates 2 #2
The Ultimates 2 #3
The Ultimates 2 #4
The Ultimates 2 #5

Ultimate X-Men #61
Ultimate X-Men #62
Ultimate X-Men #63
Ultimate X-Men #64
Ultimate X-Men #65

Ultimate Fantastic Four #19
Ultimate Fantastic Four #20
Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 (The Marvel Zombies Event starts here. Ultimate Fantastic Four #21-23 is the beginning of the Marvel Zombies universe.)
Ultimate Fantastic Four #22
Ultimate Fantastic Four #23
Ultimate Fantastic Four #24
Ultimate Fantastic Four #25
Ultimate Fantastic Four #26

Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #1 (2005)

Ultimate Extinction #1 (2006)
Ultimate Extinction #2
Ultimate Extinction #3
Ultimate Extinction #4
Ultimate Extinction #5

Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #1(2005)
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #4
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #5
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #6

The Ultimates 2 #6
The Ultimates 2 #7
The Ultimates 2 #8
The Ultimates 2 #9
The Ultimates 2 #10
The Ultimates 2 #11
The Ultimates 2 #12
The Ultimates 2 #13

Ultimate Spider-Man #78
Ultimate Spider-Man #79
Ultimate Spider-Man #80
Ultimate Spider-Man #81
Ultimate Spider-Man #82
Ultimate Spider-Man #83
Ultimate Spider-Man #84
Ultimate Spider-Man #85

Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1 (2005)

Ultimate Spider-Man #86
Ultimate Spider-Man #87
Ultimate Spider-Man #88
Ultimate Spider-Man #89
Ultimate Spider-Man #90

Ultimate X-Men #66
Ultimate X-Men #67
Ultimate X-Men #68
Ultimate X-Men #69
Ultimate X-Men #70
Ultimate X-Men #71
Ultimate X-Men #72
Ultimate X-Men #73
Ultimate X-Men #74

Ultimate X-Men Annual #2 (2006)

Ultimate Fantastic Four/X-Men X4 #1 (2006)
Ultimate Fantastic Four/X-Men X4 #2

Ultimate Fantastic Four #27
Ultimate Fantastic Four #28
Ultimate Fantastic Four #29
Ultimate Fantastic Four #30
Ultimate Fantastic Four #31
Ultimate Fantastic Four #32

Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #2 (2006)

Ultimate Spider-Man #91
Ultimate Spider-Man #92
Ultimate Spider-Man #93
Ultimate Spider-Man #94
Ultimate Spider-Man #95
Ultimate Spider-Man #96

Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 (2006)

The Ultimates Annual #2 (2006)

Ultimate Spider-Man #97
Ultimate Spider-Man #98
Ultimate Spider-Man #99
Ultimate Spider-Man #100
Ultimate Spider-Man #101
Ultimate Spider-Man #102
Ultimate Spider-Man #103
Ultimate Spider-Man #104
Ultimate Spider-Man #105

Ultimate Power #1 (2006)
Ultimate Power #2
Ultimate Power #3
Ultimate Power #4
Ultimate Power #5
Ultimate Power #6
Ultimate Power #7
Ultimate Power #8
Ultimate Power #9

Ultimate X-Men #75
Ultimate X-Men #76
Ultimate X-Men #77
Ultimate X-Men #78
Ultimate X-Men #79
Ultimate X-Men #80

Ultimate Fantastic Four #33
Ultimate Fantastic Four #34
Ultimate Fantastic Four #35
Ultimate Fantastic Four #36
Ultimate Fantastic Four #37
Ultimate Fantastic Four #38
Ultimate Fantastic Four #39
Ultimate Fantastic Four #40
Ultimate Fantastic Four #41
Ultimate Fantastic Four #42
Ultimate Fantastic Four #43
Ultimate Fantastic Four #44
Ultimate Fantastic Four #45
Ultimate Fantastic Four #46

Ultimate Vision #1
Ultimate Vision #2
Ultimate Vision #3
Ultimate Vision #4
Ultimate Vision #5

Ultimate Spider-Man #106
Ultimate Spider-Man #107
Ultimate Spider-Man #108
Ultimate Spider-Man #109
Ultimate Spider-Man #110
Ultimate Spider-Man #111
Ultimate Spider-Man #112
Ultimate Spider-Man #113
Ultimate Spider-Man #114
Ultimate Spider-Man #115
Ultimate Spider-Man #116
Ultimate Spider-Man #117

Ultimate X-Men #81
Ultimate X-Men #82
Ultimate X-Men #83
Ultimate X-Men #84
Ultimate X-Men #85
Ultimate X-Men #86
Ultimate X-Men #87
Ultimate X-Men #88
Ultimate X-Men #89

Ultimate Fantastic Four #47
Ultimate Fantastic Four #48
Ultimate Fantastic Four #49
Ultimate Fantastic Four #50
Ultimate Fantastic Four #51
Ultimate Fantastic Four #52
Ultimate Fantastic Four #53

Ultimate Spider-Man #118
Ultimate Spider-Man #119
Ultimate Spider-Man #120
Ultimate Spider-Man #121
Ultimate Spider-Man #122

Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3 (2008)

Ultimate Fantastic Four #54
Ultimate Fantastic Four #55
Ultimate Fantastic Four #56
Ultimate Fantastic Four #57

Ultimate Human #1 (2008)
Ultimate Human #2
Ultimate Human #3
Ultimate Human #4

Ultimate Spider-Man #123
Ultimate Spider-Man #124
Ultimate Spider-Man #125
Ultimate Spider-Man #126
Ultimate Spider-Man #127
Ultimate Spider-Man #128

Ultimate Captain America Annual #1 (2008)

Ultimates 3 #1 (2008)
Ultimates 3 #2
Ultimates 3 #3
Ultimates 3 #4
Ultimates 3 #5

Ultimate X-Men #90
Ultimate X-Men #91
Ultimate X-Men #92
Ultimate X-Men #93
Ultimate X-Men #94
Ultimate X-Men #95
Ultimate X-Men #96
Ultimate X-Men #97

Ultimate Origins #1 (2008)
Ultimate Origins #2
Ultimate Origins #3
Ultimate Origins #4
Ultimate Origins #5

Ultimate Hulk Annual #1 (2008)

Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four Annual #1 (2008)

Ultimate Fantastic Four/X-Men Annual #1 (2008)

Ultimate Spider-Man #129

Ultimatum #1 (2008)

Ultimate Spider-Man #130

Ultimate X-Men #98

Ultimatum #2

Ultimate Fantastic Four #58

Ultimate Spider-Man #131

Ultimate Fantastic Four #59

Ultimate X-Men #99

Ultimatum #3

Ultimate Spider-Man #132

Ultimate Fantastic Four #60

Ultimate X-Men #100

Ultimatum #4

Ultimate Spider-Man #133

Ultimatum #5

Ultimate Fantastic Four Requiem #1 (2009)

Ultimate X-Men Requiem #1(2009)

Ultimate Spider-Man Requiem #1(2009)
Ultimate Spider-Man Requiem #2

Ultimate X #1 (2010)
Ultimate X #2
Ultimate X #3
Ultimate X #4
Ultimate X #5

Ultimate Armor Wars #1 (2009)
Ultimate Armor Wars #2
Ultimate Armor Wars #3
Ultimate Armor Wars #4

Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #1
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #2
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #3
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #4
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #5
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #6

Ultimate Avengers #1 (2009)
Ultimate Avengers #2
Ultimate Avengers #3
Ultimate Avengers #4
Ultimate Avengers #5
Ultimate Avengers #6

Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #7
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #8
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #9
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #10
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #11
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #12
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #13
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #14
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 #15 (Ultimate Spider-Man went back to the original numbering at this point.)

Ultimate Avengers Vol. 2 #1(2010)
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 2 #2
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 2 #3
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 2 #4
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 2 #5
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 2 #6

Ultimate Enemy #1 (2010)
Ultimate Enemy #2
Ultimate Enemy #3
Ultimate Enemy #4

Ultimate Mystery #1 (2004)
Ultimate Mystery #2
Ultimate Mystery #3
Ultimate Mystery #4

Ultimate Doom #1 (2011)
Ultimate Doom #2
Ultimate Doom #3
Ultimate Doom #4

Ultimate Captain America #1(2011)
Ultimate Captain America #2
Ultimate Captain America #3
Ultimate Captain America #4

Ultimate New Ultimates #1(2010)
Ultimate New Ultimates #2
Ultimate New Ultimates #3
Ultimate New Ultimates #4
Ultimate New Ultimates #5

Ultimate Thor #1 (2010)
Ultimate Thor #2
Ultimate Thor #3
Ultimate Thor #4

Ultimate Avengers Vol. 3 #1(2010)
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 3 #2
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 3 #3
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 3 #4
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 3 #5
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 3 #6

Ultimate Spider-Man #150
Ultimate Spider-Man #151
Ultimate Spider-Man #152
Ultimate Spider-Man #153
Ultimate Spider-Man #154
Ultimate Spider-Man #155
Ultimate Spider-Man #156

Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #1 (2011)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #2

Ultimate Spider-Man #157

Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #3
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #4

Ultimate Spider-Man #158
Ultimate Spider-Man #159
Ultimate Spider-Man #160

Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #5
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #6

Ultimate Fallout #1 (2011)
Ultimate Fallout #2
Ultimate Fallout #3
Ultimate Fallout #4
Ultimate Fallout #5
Ultimate Fallout #6

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #2
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #3
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #5
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #6

Ultimate Hawkeye #1 (2011)
Ultimate Hawkeye #2
Ultimate Hawkeye #3
Ultimate Hawkeye #4

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #2
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #3
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #4
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #5
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #6

Ultimate Comics X-Men #1 (2011)
Ultimate Comics X-Men #2
Ultimate Comics X-Men #3
Ultimate Comics X-Men #4
Ultimate Comics X-Men #5
Ultimate Comics X-Men #6
Ultimate Comics X-Men #7
Ultimate Comics X-Men #8
Ultimate Comics X-Men #9
Ultimate Comics X-Men #10
Ultimate Comics X-Men #11
Ultimate Comics X-Men #12
Ultimate Comics X-Men #13

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #7
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #8
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #9
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #10
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #11
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #12

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #7
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #8
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #9
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #10
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #11
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #12

Spider-Men #1 (2012)
Spider-Men #2
Spider-Men #3
Spider-Men #4
Spider-Men #5

Ultimate Comics X-Men #14

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #13
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #14

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #13
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #14

Ultimate Comics X-Men #15

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #15

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #15
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #16

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16

Ultimate Comics X-Men #16
Ultimate Comics X-Men #17

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #17

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #17
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #18

Ultimate Comics X-Men #18
Ultimate Comics X-Men #18.1

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #18

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #18.1

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #16.1
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #19
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #21
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #22

Ultimate Comics X-Men #19
Ultimate Comics X-Men #20
Ultimate Comics X-Men #21
Ultimate Comics X-Men #22

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #19
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #20
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #21
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #22
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #23
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #24

Ultimate Wolverine #1 (2013)
Ultimate Wolverine #2
Ultimate Wolverine #3
Ultimate Wolverine #4

Ultimate Comics X-Men #23
Ultimate Comics X-Men #24
Ultimate Comics X-Men #25
Ultimate Comics X-Men #26
Ultimate Comics X-Men #27
Ultimate Comics X-Men #28
Ultimate Comics X-Men #29
Ultimate Comics X-Men #30
Ultimate Comics X-Men #31
Ultimate Comics X-Men #32
Ultimate Comics X-Men #33

Ultimate Comics Iron Man #1(2012)
Ultimate Comics Iron Man #2
Ultimate Comics Iron Man #3
Ultimate Comics Iron Man #4

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #25
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #26
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #27
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #28
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #29
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #30

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #24
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #25
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #26
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #27
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #28

Hunger #1 (2013)
Hunger #2
Hunger #3
Hunger #4

Cataclysm #0.1 (2013)

Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2013)

Cataclysm: Ultimate X-Men #1(2013)
Cataclysm: Ultimate X-Men #2
Cataclysm: Ultimate X-Men #3

Cataclysm: Ultimates’ Last Stand #1 (2013)

Cataclysm: Ultimates #1 (2013)

Cataclysm: Ultimates’ Last Stand #2

Cataclysm: Ultimates #2
Cataclysm: Ultimates #3

Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #2
Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #3

Cataclysm: Ultimates’ Last Stand #3
Cataclysm: Ultimates’ Last Stand #4
Cataclysm: Ultimates’ Last Stand #5

Survive #1 (2014)

Ultimate Spider-Man #200

Ultimate FF #1 (2014)
Ultimate FF #2
Ultimate FF #3

All-New Ultimates #1 (2014)
All-New Ultimates #2
All-New Ultimates #3

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2014)
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #2
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #3
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #4
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #5
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #6
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #7
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #8
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #9

Ultimate FF #4
Ultimate FF #5

All-New Ultimates #4
All-New Ultimates #5
All-New Ultimates #6
All-New Ultimates #7
All-New Ultimates #8
All-New Ultimates #9
All-New Ultimates #10
All-New Ultimates #11
All-New Ultimates #12

Ultimate FF #6

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #10
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #11
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #12

Ultimate End #1 (2015)
Ultimate End #2
Ultimate End #3
Ultimate End #4
Ultimate End #5

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